2/5: The exercises assigned today are due on 2/10 except as noted. Written exercises should be written neatly (not in your notes!) and turned in at the beginning of class on the indicated date. Of course, there is nothing to turn in for reading assignments, but there could be a quiz or writing assignment over that material.
You are encouraged to stop by my office for help on the homework. However, you may not ask questions over homework on the day that the assignment is due.
Do NOT assume that any assignment beyond today's is correct! I often change them the day of class.
* Do this before our next class; do this first, before doing any other part of this assignment: Read the complete course introduction (syllabus) at this link. It's also available on the Help Page and on Schoology. This document contains
information that you may need to know. Some of it could appear on
a quiz.
* Do this before our next class: Read the Carthage Academic Honesty Guidelines. There is a link at the top of this page.
* Do this before our next class: Take this brief background survey. (Yes, this is required, and you will receive credit for doing it!) You will need to log in to your Carthage
* Do this before our next class: On a piece of paper you can turn in, do exercises 1ab from page 3 of the notes. Do these on a sheet of paper, not in your notes! You will turn in these exercises at the beginning of our next class by placing your assignment on the pile at the front of the room.
* Do this before our next class: Create an account on MyMathLab and enroll in our course.
There are instructions at this link. I will check this on Friday, and you will receive a few points for creating this account! If you don't have a code, sign up for a free trial and get a code as soon as possible. There is no reason not to do this!
* Check the blog (see the link on the left side of this page) for updates. You should check the blog every day. I will provide homework hints, comments on how our class went, and more!
The following exercises are due 2/10.
* Re-read the course introduction online.
* Stop by my office (Straz 292) and sign the form on my door. If I'm in, say hi! If I'm not in, I really hope you'll also stop by when I'm in.
* Re-work the bike ride problem (exercise 1b) in a Google Sheet using the link provided in the Documents folder on Schoology. If you have any trouble opening the spreadsheet, please contact me.
* Fill out this homework response form after you have completed the assignment.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.
2/6: Due at the end of class.
Today's in-class work will involve Mathematica.
2/7: The exercises assigned today are due on 2/12.
* Read pages 7-11 in HHW.
* Read this handout on functions. It's a little silly, but it might help clarify some concepts.
* Read pages 14-16 (Up through and including Composite Functions) in HHW.
* Do the appropriate assignment on MyMathLab.
* Do exercises 8, 14, 16 from page 19 in HHW.
* Fill out this homework response form after you have completed the assignment.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.
* Optional: Sign up for your free MAA membership at this link.
2/10: Due 2/14.
Review the material on Function Diagrams in the notes.
Do the exercises on Function Diagrams in the notes. This will be counted as written homework, and there is no MyMathLab assignment over this material.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.
2/12: Due 2/17. Last day to add or drop a course.
* Read Appendix A.1 in HHW. Much of this should be review, so a light reading will probably be enough. If there is something that you do not understand, come talk to me in my office so I can help.
* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material.
* Do exercises 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, from Appendix A.1 in HHW, page AP-6 at the end of the text. These should be written
* Online or in a book, find a proof of the Pythagorean Theorem different from the one I showed you in class. Write this proof in your homework.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.
* The last day to add a class is 2/13.
* Listen to this radio program. You can read the article, or click on the blue "Listen" button on the left side of the page. You can read the text as well, but listening might be more effective. Here is a link to a related video produced by Arizona State University.
2/13: Quiz today over the material covered on 2/5, 2/7, and 2/10.
* Today's class will involve limits.
2/14: Due 2/19. There is a table of trig identities on the Help Page.
* Read Section 1.3 in HHW.
* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material.
* Do exercises 8, 44, 46, 50 from Section 1.3 in HHW.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.
2/17: Due 2/21.
* Read Sections 1.5 and 1.6 in HHW.
* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material.
* Do exercises 12, 14, 17, on page 37 of HHW and 46, 48, 61, 70 on pages 49-50 of HHW.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.
2/19: Due 2/24.
* There is no reading from the text today. Review your notes from class.
* Do exercises 1-2 in the notes on page 20. You should have diagrams for those functions from an earlier assignment.
* Do the MyMathLab assignment for today. You may use the rules I taught you in class; you do not need to use limits.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.
2/20: Quiz today over the material covered on 2/12, 2/14, and 2/17.
* We will work on derivatives today. There will be no additional homework assigned.
2/21: Due 2/26. Today's Mathematica File.
* Read Section 3.1 in HHW.
* Do the MyMathLab assignment for today.
* Do exercises 7, 8, 12 from Section 3.1 (page 124) of HHW. For each of these problems, find the slope of the tangent line using a limit, then check your work using the methods we introduced earlier. Be sure to write the equation of the tangent line to complete the problem when asked to do so. You do not need to sketch the curve and the tangent line for 7 or 8.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.
2/24: Due 3/2.
* Read Section 3.3, especially for the examples. You can skip the small section on higher order derivatives and the section on the exponential functions. We'll do that later.
* Do exercises 18, 24, 36, 54, 65 on pages 142-143 of HHW.
* Do the MyMathLab assignment for today.
2/26: Due 3/4.
* Read the skipped parts from Section 3.3, specifically the exponential functions and higher order derivatives.
* Do the MyMathLab assignment for today.
* Do exercises 6, 12, 46 from page 142 of HHW.
2/27 : Quiz today over the material covered on 2/19, 2/21, and 2/24.
* After the quiz, we will examine limits involving infinity.
2/28: Class will not meet today. Use this time to continue preparing for Thursday's exam.
3/2: Due 3/6. The geometric proof of the trig limit we did in class.
* Read Section 3.5 in HHW.
* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material.
* Do exercises 4, 10, 18, 34b from page 158 in HHW.
3/4: Exam Review Day
* After the exam, complete the exam reflection form at this link. The link will not open up until after the exam. Complete the reflection by 5:00 on Friday.
3/5: Exam 1 over the material covered from 2/5-3/2. The exam will start at 8:00, and you will have the entire class period to complete the exam.
Don't forget to complete the exam reflection. It is due by 5:00 on Friday before you leave for break.
3/6: Due 3/25.
* Read this page on homework expectations.
* View this introductory video.
* Log in to your account on my blog. Go to the blog, and on the right side of the screen, scroll down to Log In and use the information I provided in an email to you. Leave a comment on the appropriate blog entry to show me that you got in.
* View this video on using the Multimedia resources in MyMathLab.
* Read Section 3.6 in HHW.
* If necessary, view
this review of the chain rule. I highly recommend the exercise entitled Practice: Identifying Composite Functions.
* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material.
* Do the SECOND MyMathLab assignment over today's material. (Some of you had already started this assignment so I made a second set of exercises. To add to the first assignment, I would have had to delete your work. I didn't want to do that.)
3/9: No class - spring break.
No class - spring break.
3/12 : No class - spring break.
3/13: No class - spring break.
Remember that you have an assignment from before break that is due on Wednesday by noon.
Due 3/27 before noon.
* In case you missed it, read this page on homework expectations.
* Also, if you didn't do this already, lLog in to your account on my blog. Go to the blog, and on the right side of the screen, scroll down to Log In and use the information I provided in an email to you. Leave a comment on the appropriate blog entry to show me that you got in.
* Finally, if you haven't already, view this video on using the Multimedia resources in MyMathLab.
Required videos
* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos. There are two versions of today's notes on the Help Page. One is blank, and the other already has the notes filled in. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos.
(1) What is an implicit function?
(2) The chain rule revisited
(3) Implicit differentiation on a circle
(4) The first example
(5) The second example
* After you are done watching the videos, take the video quiz below.
* I have created an optional video assignment over Section 3.7 in MyMathLab. I have chosen videos that are relevant to the material I'm emphasizing and that worked well when I clicked on the links. While the assignment is optional, it covers some material that you would otherwise learn through the reading, particulary an example involving trig functions.
Optional material from the Khan Academy
* Here is an additional 8-minute video on implicit differentiation.
* A video example on computing a derivative using implicit differentiation. (About 5 minutes)
* A video example on finding the slope of a tangent line using implicit differentiation. (About 5 1/2 minutes)
Reading Assignment
* After viewing enough of the videos that you understand implicit differentiation, read Section 3.7 in HHW.
* Take this short quiz over the videos. This will count as a writing assignment. After you take the quiz, the answers should appear on the screen. You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.
* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material.
Due 3/31.
Required videos
* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos. There are two versions of today's notes on the Help Page. One is blank, and the other already has the notes filled in. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos.
(1) The derivative of ln x and more
(2) The derivative of ln(f(x))
(3) The derivative of the arcsine function
(4) Examples involving arcsin(x) and arctan(x)
(5) What to do with x^x and similar functions
* After you are done watching the videos, take the video quiz below.
* I have created an optional video assignment over Sections 3.8-3.9 in MyMathLab. I have chosen videos that are relevant to the material I'm emphasizing and that worked well when I clicked on the links. While the assignment is optional, it covers some material that I you would otherwise learn through the reading.
Optional material from the Khan Academy
* The derivative of the arcsine function.
* The derivative of the arctangent function.
* A video on choosing which rule to use. Highly recommended!
Reading Assignment
* After viewing enough of the videos that you understand implicit differentiation, read Sections 3.8-3.9 in HHW, skipping material and examples that are not relevant to the videos.
* Take this short quiz over the videos. This will count as a writing assignment. After you take the quiz, the answers should appear on the screen. You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.
* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material.
3/26: ONLINE INSTRUCTION - FINALIZED Today's quiz covers the chain rule.
The MyMathLab quiz will only be open from 8:00-10:00am today! Allow 30 minutes for the quiz. You will notice that the quiz has three questions, worth 5 points each. You get 5 points just for taking the quiz! I will also grade very lightly on this quiz, so please take it! This is a test case, and should be an easy high score for all of you. I'm not saying the questions are easy, but my scoring system is!
The rest of this assignment is due 4/1: This assignment involves videos, a short quiz over the videos.
Required videos
* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos. There are two versions of today's notes on the Help Page. One is blank, and the other already has the notes filled in. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos.
(1) Introduction to Falling Object Problems
(2) First example of a falling object problem
(3) Another example
(4) One last example
* After you are done watching the videos, take the video quiz below.
* I have created an optional video assignment over Sections 3.4 in MyMathLab. I have chosen one video that is relevant to the material I'm emphasizing and that worked well when I clicked on the links.
Optional material from the Khan Academy
* I didn't find the Khan academy particularly helpful. If you find some good videos, let me know and I'll include a link!
Reading Assignment
* After viewing enough of the videos that you understand implicit differentiation, read Section 3.4 in HHW.
* Take this short quiz over the videos. This will count as a writing assignment. After you take the quiz, the answers should appear on the screen. You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.
* Any homework from this section is included as part of tomorrow's assignment.
Due 4/1.
Required videos
* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos. There are two versions of today's notes on the Help Page. One is blank, and the other already has the notes filled in. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos.
(1) Problem solving strategies and related rates
(2) The sliding ladder problem
(3) Walking away from a lamppost
(4) A leaky conical tank
* After you are done watching the videos, take the video quiz below.
* I have created an optional video assignment over Section 3.10 in MyMathLab. I have chosen videos that are relevant to the material I'm emphasizing and that worked well when I clicked on the links. While the assignment is optional, it covers some material that I you would otherwise learn through the reading.
Optional material from the Khan Academy
* Introduction to related rates
* A problem involving a triangle
* The sliding ladder problem
* Water pouring into a cone
Reading Assignment
* After viewing enough of the videos that you understand the material, read Section 3.10 in HHW, skipping material and examples that are not relevant to the videos.
* Take this short quiz over the videos. This will count as a writing assignment. After you take the quiz, the answers should appear on the screen. You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.
* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material.
* Then do the SECOND MyMathLab assignment over this section. There are only two questions on this second assignment. The system didn't like one question that I wrote, so I had to write another quiz. It like it when I wrote it - don't know what happened. I also had to add one (hopefully really easy) question because I can't make an assignment with just my own questions.
YOU WILL HAVE A QUIZ ON THURSDAY, APRIL 2. The quiz will be over the material covered on March 23 and March 25. The quiz will be open from 8:00-10:00 on Thursday morning. Make sure you start the quiz before 9:15 so you have time to finish.
On Thursday's quiz, I'm going to ask you to submit your work in Schoology. You can find instructions on how to do this here. If you want to test out the system before the quiz, I have created an assignment called "Test Folder" in the Quizzes and Exams folder in Schoology. Upload a document to that folder as a test. This test is not required, but if you do this test and have trouble on Thursday, I'll understand. On the other hand, if you don't do the test and have trouble on Thursday, I won't be so understanding. If you have troubles uploading during the quiz, contact me via email IMMEDIATELY.
You will receive a 0 on the quiz if you do not upload work for each problem in your handwriting. You will need to submit your work in one document, so make sure your work fits on one side of one page.
The video solution to Quiz 4 has been moved to the Help Page
Due 4/3.
Required videos
* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos. There are two versions of today's notes on the Help Page. One is blank, and the other already has the notes filled in. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos.
(1) Introduction to Extreme Values
(2) Definitions
(3) Two Examples
(4) An Example with a More Challenging Derivative
(5) An Example With a Cusp
* After you are done watching the videos, take the video quiz below.
* I have created an optional video assignment over Section 4.1 in MyMathLab. I have chosen videos that are relevant to the material I'm emphasizing and that worked well when I clicked on the links. While the assignment is optional, it covers some material that I you would otherwise learn through the reading.
Optional material from the Khan Academy
* Here is a video on finding extreme values.
* Another really good example.
Reading Assignment
* After viewing enough of the videos that you understand the material, read Section 4.1 in HHW, skipping material and examples that are not relevant to the videos.
* Take this short quiz over the videos. This will count as a writing assignment. After you take the quiz, the answers should appear on the screen. You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.
* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material.
Due 4/6.
Required videos
* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos. There are two versions of today's notes on the Help Page. One is blank, and the other already has the notes filled in. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos.
(1) Rolle's Theorem and the MVT
(2) A Proof and an Example (Had trouble getting this one up to youtube. It's on Google Drive. Any issues?)
(3) An Example Revisited - Finding Where a Function Is Increasing
(4) An Example Involving Mathematica
(5) The Last Two Examples
* After you are done watching the videos, take the video quiz below.
* I have created an optional video assignment over Sections 4.2 and 4.3 in MyMathLab. I have chosen videos that are relevant to the material I'm emphasizing and that worked well when I clicked on the links. While the assignment is optional, it covers some material that I you would otherwise learn through the reading.
Optional material from the Khan Academy
* A video showing how to find where a function is increasing/decreasing.
* Another example of finding where a function is increasing/decreasing.
Reading Assignment
* After viewing enough of the videos that you understand the material, read Sections 4.2 and 4.3 in HHW, skipping material and examples that are not relevant to the videos.
* Take this short quiz over the videos. This will count as a writing assignment. After you take the quiz, the answers should appear on the screen. You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.
* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material.
No additional videos or homework today!
All you need to do today is take the quiz in MyMathLab and upload your work through Schoology. This is a quiz, and you should be taking it as if you were sitting in class with me watching. DO YOUR OWN WORK!
* On this quiz and on all quizzes, you may not communicate with any human being in any way, including but not limited to: personal conversation, texting, emailing, phone conversation, video conversation, social media, anti-social media, the internet in any way, note passing, singing, hand signals, smoke signals, semaphore, morse code, norse code (used to contact vikings), via a medium (if communicating with the deceased), or any other means I've omitted. You're on your honor on this.
* You may not look at your book, notes, any material on the internet including my website and the Khan Academy.
If you do anything during this quiz that you wouldn't do during an in-class quiz, I will be very disappointed in you. I expect better.
Due 4/8.
Required videos
* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos. There are two versions of today's notes on the Help Page. One is blank, and the other already has the notes filled in. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos.
(1) Introduction to the Second Derivative
(2) An Example Using the Second Derivative to Determine Concavity
(3) An Improved Second Derivative Test
(4) The Last Example
(5) One More Example (added later - not needed for homework but interesting)
* After you are done watching the videos, take the video quiz below.
* I have created an optional video assignment over Section 4.4. in MyMathLab. I have chosen videos that are relevant to the material I'm emphasizing and that worked well when I clicked on the links. While the assignment is optional, it covers some material that I you would otherwise learn through the reading.
Optional material from the Khan Academy
* How to find inflection points from a graph.
* Finding inflection points.
* Mistakes when finding inflection points: one common mistake, and another mistake.
Reading Assignment
* After viewing enough of the videos that you understand the material, read Section 4.4 in HHW, skipping material and examples that involve curve sketching. We'll tackle that topic in a future class.
* Take this short quiz over the videos. This will count as a writing assignment. After you take the quiz, the answers should appear on the screen. You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.
* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material.
You will have a quiz on Thursday, open from 8-10 as before. I will follow the format of the last quiz, with answers submitted on MyMathLab and work submitted through Schoology.
Due 4/15.
Required videos
* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos. There are two versions of today's notes on the Help Page. One is blank, and the other already has the notes filled in. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos.
(1) Introduction to L'Hopital's Rule
(2) Two Related Examples
(3) The 1^Infinity Case
(4) The 0^0 Case
(5) The Infinity-Infinity Case
* After you are done watching the videos, take the video quiz below.
* I have created an optional video assignment over Section 4.5 in MyMathLab. The videos are particularly good this time. I have chosen videos that are relevant to the material I'm emphasizing and that worked well when I clicked on the links. While the assignment is optional, it covers some material that I you would otherwise learn through the reading.
Optional material from the Khan Academy
* There are many examples online. Here is one in the 0/0 case.
* A limit as x approaches infinity
* A challenging example
Reading Assignment
* After viewing enough of the videos that you understand the material, read Section 4.5 in HHW, skipping material and examples that are not relevant to the videos.
* Take this short quiz over the videos. This will count as a writing assignment. After you take the quiz, the answers should appear on the screen. You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.
* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material.
* Be sure to use proper notation to indicate when you used L'Hopital's Rule. I can't check this, but I'd be happy to take a look at a problem or two if you send me a picture!
Due 4/16. NOTE THAT THIS ASSIGNMENT IS DUE ON EXAM DAY! You need to study it for the exam anyway, so I made it due on exam day.
Required videos
* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos. There are two versions of today's notes on the Help Page. One is blank, and the other already has the notes filled in. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos.
(1) Curve Sketching - Our First Example
(2) Curve Sketching - An Unusual Example
(3) Finding the Information Ourselves
(4) Factoring Helps!
(5) An Example With Asymptotes
* After you are done watching the videos, take the video quiz below.
*No video assignment in MyMathLab this time.
Optional material from the Khan Academy
* This is a 20 minute video, but it shows curve sketching start-to-finish.
* An example involving a logarithm function, but it's 25 minutes long.
Reading Assignment
* After viewing enough of the videos that you understand the material, re-read Section 4.4 in HHW, concentrating on the curve sketching examples.
* Take this short quiz over the videos. This will count as a writing assignment. After you take the quiz, the answers should appear on the screen. You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.
* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material.
4/9: ONLINE INSTRUCTION - QUIZ TODAY ON MYMATHLAB. You will have 45 minutes to complete the quiz. The quiz will be over the material we covered on March 27, March 30, and April 1.
No additional videos or assignments today. Have a great break! Notice that we have an exam on the Thursday after break. More details to follow!
4/10: No Class - Easter Break!
4/13: No Class - Easter Break!
4/15: Review for the exam tomorrow. There is no additional assignment today. The exam will be over material covered from 3/6-4/8.
This exam will be just like an in-class exam. You should do your own work, with no assistance from any other person, website, book, text, notes, or anything that you would not be permitted to use in class. You should not go to any website during the exam other that MyMathLab. You should not use the graphing capabilites of your calculator, nor should you use your calculator to compute any derivatives. The exam will be given in MyMathLab, and will be available from 7:45-9:50 am. You will have 90 minutes to complete the exam, which I will write to be a one-hour exam. If you start the exam after 8:20 am, you will have less than 90 minutes to complete the exam.
The exam will be mostly multiple choice, but as with the quizzes, I will collect your work through a work folder in Schoology. Using a pdf scanning app for your phone (Adobe Scan is free and does a good job) is ideal (actually writing on a tablet is also awesome), and I would prefer that you collect your work into a single document and submit that through Schoology. In case you have trouble doing that, I will create three work folders so you can upload three different pages separately if you need to do that. If you have more than 3 pages of work and can't get them into a single document, send the rest to me as email attachments.
Because this exam is multiple choice but I am grading your work, I offer the following advice. If you work a problem but don't get any of the answers listed, check your work quickly to see if you can find your mistake, and if not, choose an answer at random or choose the "I didn't get any of these answers" if that option exists - I will put that option in the questions I write. Don't spend a long time trying to get one of the answers given, then wind up running out of time. As many of you have experienced, if all you do is add incorrectly or drop a minus sign, I give generous partial credit. Of course, if you guess right on a problem but show now work, you also lose credit. So why do I even collect the multiple choice answers? That's actually a good question. I've found that they can tell me what mistake to look for (for example, a dropped minus sign) in your work.
I will be close to my computer throughout the exam (no video production on Thursday!), so email me if you have technology issues during the exam.
Any questions on the exam or how it will work? Ask them in a comment on the blog.
4/16: Exam 2 today over the material covered from 3/6-4/8.
Due 4/22.
Required videos
* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos. There are two versions of today's notes on the Help Page. One is blank, and the other already has the notes filled in. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos.
(1) Linear Approximation
(2) An Example Involving an Exponential
(3) A Final Example, and Differentials (The differential of \(f(x):= x + \sin x\) is \(df = (1+\cos x)\, dx\). Part of this is invisible due to the glare on the board.)
* After you are done watching the videos, take the video quiz below.
* I have created an optional video assignment over Section 3.11 in MyMathLab. I have chosen videos that are relevant to the material I'm emphasizing and that worked well when I clicked on the links. While the assignment is optional, it covers some material that I you would otherwise learn through the reading. In fact, some of these videos do homework problems in detail!
Optional material from the Khan Academy
* Here is an example that involves a rational function.
Reading Assignment
* After viewing enough of the videos that you understand the material, read Section 3.11 in HHW, skipping material and examples that are not relevant to the videos.
* Take this short quiz over the videos. This will count as a writing assignment. After you take the quiz, the answers should appear on the screen. You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.
* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material.
4/20: ONLINE INSTRUCTION - FINALIZED. Today's Mathematica File for those who have Mathematica. For those who don't have Mathematica at home, here is an online Newton's Method calculator. You need to be able to do this by hand, but you can check your work here.
We will have a quiz on Thursday, with the usual parameters. The quiz will cover the material covered on 4/6, 4/8, 4/17, and the chain rule which was covered on March 6. You will have 45 minutes to do the quiz, and it will be open from 8:00 am until 9:50 am. This quiz will be administered through Schoology.
Due 4/24.
Required videos
* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos. There are two versions of today's notes on the Help Page. One is blank, and the other already has the notes filled in. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos.
(1) How Newton's Method Works
(2) The Formula for Newton's Method
(3) Newton's Method as a Process
(4) A Calculator Example
(5) Making a Good Guess I
(6) Making a Good Guess II
(7) The Quadratic Formula and its Relatives
* After you are done watching the videos, take the video quiz below.
* I have created an optional video assignment over Section 4.7 in MyMathLab. I have chosen videos that are relevant to the material I'm emphasizing and that worked well when I clicked on the links. While the assignment is optional, it covers some material that I you would otherwise learn through the reading.
Optional material from the Khan Academy
* Here is one video from another source. Not much on the Khan Academy.
Reading Assignment
* After viewing enough of the videos that you understand the material, read Section 4.7 in HHW, skipping material and examples that are not relevant to the videos.
* Take this short quiz over the videos. This will count as a writing assignment. After you take the quiz, the answers should appear on the screen. You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.
* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material.
Video solutions to problems 14-16 from Exam 2 are posted on the Help Page.
Due 4/27.
Required videos
* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos. There are two versions of today's notes on the Help Page. One is blank, and the other already has the notes filled in. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos.
(1) Introduction to Optimization Problems
(2) The First Example Revisited
(3) A Different Constraint on a Rectangle
(4) A Curve Defines a Rectangle
(5) Making a Can
(6) Making a Square and a Circle
* After you are done watching the videos, take the video quiz below.
* I have created an optional video assignment over Section 4.6 in MyMathLab. I have chosen videos that are relevant to the material I'm emphasizing and that worked well when I clicked on the links. While the assignment is optional, it covers some material that I you would otherwise learn through the reading.
Optional material from the Khan Academy
* Here is an very good sum of squares problem.
* Maximizing profit.
Reading Assignment
* After viewing enough of the videos that you understand the material, read Section 4.6 in HHW. Reading the examples in this section is really important!
* Take this short quiz over the videos. This will count as a writing assignment. After you take the quiz, the answers should appear on the screen. You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.
* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material.
4/23 : ONLINE INSTRUCTION - No additional assignment or videos today.
Quiz today over the material covered on 4/6, 4/8, 4/17, and the chain rule which was covered on March 6. You will have 45 minutes to do the quiz, and it will be open from 8:00 am until 9:50 am.
This quiz will be administered through Schoology. Look for the quiz in tnhe Quizzes and Exams folder. Submit your work through the folder called 04/23 Quiz Work Folder, which is a separate folder.
Due 4/29.
Required videos
* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos. There are two versions of today's notes on the Help Page. One is blank, and the other already has the notes filled in. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos.
(1) What is an Antiderivative?
(2) An Important Public Service Announcement
(3) Computing and Verifying Antiderivatives
(4) Initial Conditions
(5) Rules for Antiderivatives
(6) Basic Examples
(7) Some Important Examples
(8) A Recurring Example, part I
* After you are done watching the videos, take the video quiz below.
* I have created an optional video assignment over Section 4.8 in MyMathLab. I have chosen videos that are relevant to the material I'm emphasizing and that worked well when I clicked on the links. While the assignment is optional, it covers some material that I you would otherwise learn through the reading.
Optional material from the Khan Academy
* You could work through this entire series of lessons on the basic rules.
* This lesson discusses doing a little algebra before finding an antiderivative.
* Here is a lesson on trig and exponential functions.
* This lesson explains the difference between \(\ln x\) and \(\ln |x|\).
Reading Assignment
* After viewing enough of the videos that you understand the material, read Section 4.8 in HHW, skipping material and examples that are not relevant to the videos.
* Take this short quiz over the videos. This will count as a writing assignment. After you take the quiz, the answers should appear on the screen. You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.
* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material.
Due 5/1. Today's Mathematica File. For those of you without Mathematica, this site can help you check your work on Riemann sums.
Required videos
* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos. There are two versions of today's notes on the Help Page. One is blank, and the other already has the notes filled in. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos.
(1) Introduction to Signed Area
(2) Signed Area From Functions
(3) Accumulation Functions
(4) What if We Can't Use Geometry?
(5) More and More Rectangles
(6) Properties of Indefinite Integrals
(7) A Recurring Example, part II
* After you are done watching the videos, take the video quiz below.
* I have created an optional video assignment over Section 5.1 in MyMathLab. I have chosen videos that are relevant to the material I'm emphasizing and that worked well when I clicked on the links. While the assignment is optional, it covers some material that I you would otherwise learn through the reading. The last video is particularly relevant to one of the homework problems.
Optional material from the Khan Academy
* Here is a video that uses midpoints. I don't use midpoints, but it's a good example of using rectangles.
* An example that uses a table of values rather than a function.
Reading Assignment
* After viewing enough of the videos that you understand the material, read Section 5.1 in HHW, skipping material and examples that are not relevant to the videos.
* Take this short quiz over the videos. This will count as a writing assignment. After you take the quiz, the answers should appear on the screen. You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.
* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. For the Riemann sum problems, when the exercise says "lower sum", use left endpoints. When the problem says "upper sum" use right endpoints. That works for increasing functions, which should be the case for these problems.
You will take a quiz on Thursday. The quiz will be over the material covered on 4/20, 4/22, and 4/24.This quiz to be administered through Google Forms with work submitted through Schoology.
Submit your work right away! If you have another class or another committment right after our class, make sure you start the quiz in time to submit your work before your next class.
Due 5/4.
Required videos
* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos. There are two versions of today's notes on the Help Page. One is blank, and the other already has the notes filled in. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos.
(1) The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
(2) Examples Using the FTC
(3) The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, Second Form
(4) Examples Using the Second Form
(5) More Examples
* After you are done watching the videos, take the video quiz below.
* I have created an optional video assignment over Section 5.4 in MyMathLab. I have chosen videos that are relevant to the material I'm emphasizing and that worked well when I clicked on the links. While the assignment is optional, it covers some material that I you would otherwise learn through the reading.
Optional material from the Khan Academy
* This video deals with the derivative of an integral, as does this one.
* An example where you need to do some algebra first, and one involving a logarithm function.
Reading Assignment
* After viewing enough of the videos that you understand the material, read Section 5.4 in HHW, skipping material and examples that are not relevant to the videos.
* Take this short quiz over the videos. This will count as a writing assignment. After you take the quiz, the answers should appear on the screen. You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.
* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material.
4/30 : ONLINE INSTRUCTION You may not use the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus on this quiz unless you prove it!
Quiz today over the material covered on 4/20, 4.22, and 4/24. This quiz to be administered through Google Forms with work submitted through Schoology. Submit your work right away!
Click here to take the quiz. You will have 45 minutes to take the quiz. Please start in time so that you can finish the quiz by 9:40.
If you have another class or another committment right after our class, make sure you start the quiz in time to submit your work before your next class.
No additional assignment today.
Due 5/6.
Required videos
* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos. There are two versions of today's notes on the Help Page. One is blank, and the other already has the notes filled in. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos.
(1) Reversing the Chain Rule
(2) Two More Trig Antiderivatives
(3) Four Examples
(4) Three More Examples
(5) One Example, Two Answers
(6) A Recurring Example, part III
* After you are done watching the videos, take the video quiz below.
* I have created an optional video assignment over Section 5.5 in MyMathLab. I have chosen videos that are relevant to the material I'm emphasizing and that worked well when I clicked on the links. While the assignment is optional, it covers some material that I you would otherwise learn through the reading.
Optional material from the Khan Academy
* Lots of good examples out there. Here is a basic example.
* Here is an example involving logarithms.
Reading Assignment
* After viewing enough of the videos that you understand the material, read Section 5.5 in HHW, skipping material and examples that are not relevant to the videos.
* Take this short quiz over the videos. This will count as a writing assignment. After you take the quiz, the answers should appear on the screen. You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.
* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material.
Please read the instructions for Thursday's quiz. It will take you a little longer to get started, but I think this will work better. Given that the last two quizzes haven't worked well at all, that's a pretty low bar...
Due 5/8.
Required videos
* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos. There are two versions of today's notes on the Help Page. One is blank, and the other already has the notes filled in. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos.
(0) Some Short Introductory Videos
(1) Substitutions and Definite Integrals
(2) Examples
(3) One Example, Two Substitutions
(4) Area Between Two Curves
(5) Two More Examples
(6) The Recurring Function, part IV
* After you are done watching the videos, take the video quiz below.
* I have created an optional video assignment over Section 5.6 in MyMathLab. I have chosen videos that are relevant to the material I'm emphasizing and that worked well when I clicked on the links. While the assignment is optional, it covers some material that I you would otherwise learn through the reading.
Optional material from the Khan Academy
* Here is one video with some basic example.
* An example with an exponential function.
Reading Assignment
* After viewing enough of the videos that you understand the material, read Section 5.6 in HHW, skipping material and examples that are not relevant to the videos.
* Take this short quiz over the videos. This will count as a writing assignment. After you take the quiz, the answers should appear on the screen. You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.
* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material.
* Course evaluations are now live. Please complete a course evaluation before May 17.
This online demonstration shows how to visualize the solids we're studying today in some cases.
Due 5/11
Required videos
* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos. There are two versions of today's notes on the Help Page. One is blank, and the other already has the notes filled in. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos.
(1) The Amazing Adding Machine
(2) Motivating the Method
(3) Our First Examples
(4) Slicing the Can Vertically
(5) Examples
(6) More Examples
* After you are done watching the videos, take the video quiz below.
* I have created an optional video assignment over Section 6.1 in MyMathLab. I have chosen videos that are relevant to the material I'm emphasizing and that worked well when I clicked on the links. While the assignment is optional, it covers some material that I you would otherwise learn through the reading.
Optional material from the Khan Academy
* Here is an example with semi-circular cross-sections.
* Here is an example with triangular cross-sections.
Reading Assignment
* After viewing enough of the videos that you understand the material, read 6.1 in HHW up to Solids of Revolution: The Disk Method, skipping material and examples that are not relevant to the videos.
* Take this short quiz over the videos. This will count as a writing assignment. After you take the quiz, the answers should appear on the screen. You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.
* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You may use everything we have learned in the course to do the problems in this assignment; you do not need to use limits of sums, and in fact I strongly discourage you from using limits of sums.
Quiz today over the material covered on 4/27, 4/29, and 5/1. This quiz will be a Google form. When you click on the link, choose "Sign in Using Google". Choose your CARTHAGE email. After that, a link to your quiz will be sent to your Carthage email. Click on that link, and you can take the quiz. After the quiz, upload your work to Schoology. The quiz will be open from 8:00-9:50, so please allow enough time to finish by 9:50. Upload your work right away.
I tested the form and it worked fine for me, but I can't test it as a student with a Carthage email, so we'll see how it works. If it bombs, again, I know how to fix the link quickly.
Click on this link to get your link to take the quiz.
Study for the third exam and the final exam!
Please take this very short survey regarding the system you used for yesterday's quiz. It is optional.
Here are the formulas for volumes of solids of revolution, and here is the Mathematica code for visualizing the solids. I also found some online code for visualizing solids of revolution.
* Read the instructions for the third exam (Thursday) and the Final Exam so you know what to expect. Let me know immediately if you have a scheduling issue with either of these exams.
Due 5/13
Required videos
* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos. There are two versions of today's notes on the Help Page. One is blank, and the other already has the notes filled in. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos.
(1) Disks and Washers
(2) The First Example
(3) Examining the Region
(4) Rotation about y=-2
(5) Rotation About x=0
(6) Rotation About y=3
* After you are done watching the videos, take the video quiz below.
* I have created an optional video assignment over the rest of Section 6.1 in MyMathLab. I have chosen videos that are relevant to the material I'm emphasizing and that worked well when I clicked on the links. While the assignment is optional, it covers some material that I you would otherwise learn through the reading.
Optional material from the Khan Academy
* Here is an example involving \(y=x^2\).
* Here is an example about the \(y\)-axis.
* A generalization of the disk method.
Reading Assignment
* After viewing enough of the videos that you understand the material, read the rest of Section 6.1 in HHW, skipping material and examples that are not relevant to the videos.
* Take this short quiz over the videos. This will count as a writing assignment. After you take the quiz, the answers should appear on the screen. You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.
* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material.
* Read the instructions for the third exam (Thursday) and the Final Exam so you know what to expect. Let me know immediately if you have a scheduling issue with either of these exams.
This material is on the third exam even though the assignment is not due until Friday!
I created an optional homework assignment based on the "our favorite function" videos. You do not need to do this, but if you want a little practice getting information from graphs, you could do this assignment. I had to repeat a few homework questions in there - I didn't have many options for questions!
Due 5/15.
Required videos
* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos. There are two versions of today's notes on the Help Page. One is blank, and the other already has the notes filled in. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos.
(1) When Disks Aren't A Great Choice
(2) The Shell Method
(3) An Easier Way!
(4) One Region, Multiple Axes
(5) Arc Length
* After you are done watching the videos, take the video quiz below.
* I have created an optional video assignment over Sections 6.2 and 6.3 in MyMathLab. I have chosen videos that are relevant to the material I'm emphasizing and that worked well when I clicked on the links. While the assignment is optional, it covers some material that I you would otherwise learn through the reading.
Optional material from the Khan Academy
* Here is an example involving shells and \(y=x^{1/3}\).
* An example with an upper and a lower function.
Reading Assignment
* After viewing enough of the videos that you understand the material, read Sections 6.2 and 6.3 in HHW, skipping material and examples that are not relevant to the videos.
* Take this short quiz over the videos. This will count as a writing assignment. After you take the quiz, the answers should appear on the screen. You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.
* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material.
No additional assignment today. Study for the third exam. I may have a virtual office hour this morning. Stay tuned for more details.
5/14 : Exam 3 today over the material covered from 4/17-5/11. The material from 5/11 is on the exam even though the homework is not due until Friday.
Here's the short version: The exam will open at 7:45 am. It should take about an hour, but I will set the timer for 90 minutes. You must have both your Google form and your work submitted through Schoology to me before 9:50 am, or you could lose a significant amount of credit. Do not let the timer run out, or your work will be lost!
Here's the long version:
This exam will be given through a Google form, with work submitted through Schoology. The exam will be available at 7:45 am, and will close promplty at 9:50. It will be written to take about an hour, so you should have plenty of time if you start at 8:00 am. I expect to have all of your work by 9:50am.
As we learned on the last quiz, if you don't submit your work on time, you lose your work! On this exam, if you do not submit your work on time, there will be a penalty, so set a timer to remind you to submit your work before time runs out! If you have not submitted your work by 9:50 am, you may lose your work even if your individual timer has not run out!
We will review for the final exam today.
* Study for the final exam on Monday.
* Review the first two exams, all quizzes, and any material you think you need to work on to prepare for the final exam.
5/18: Final Exam from 8:00-10:00 over the entire course, start to finish! The exam will be given through a Google form, with work collected through Schoology.
Here's the short summary: complete the Google form by 10:00 am, and submit your work through Schoology by 10:15am. If I haven't received both of these by 10:15 am, you may lose a significant amount of credit.
Here's the long version:
I'll have the exam open by 7:45 if you want to start early. You will have 120 minutes to complete the exam even if you start early, and you must be have all of your work completed and submitted, both the Google form and your work submitted through Schoology, by 10:15am. Work submitted after 10:15am may not be accepted. If you choose to start after 8:00am, you will have less time to work on the exam.
As we learned on the last quiz, if you don't submit your work before the computer timer runs out, you lose your work! On this exam, if you do not submit your work before the timer runs out, there will be a penalty, so set another timer to remind you to submit your work before the exam timer runs out! If you have not submitted your Google form by 10:15am, you may lose your work even if your individual timer has not run out! If you have not submitted your work through Schoology by 10:15, I may not accepted it, which will result in a significant loss of credit.
* Take the exam. Then have a great break!
5/19 : Final Exams
5/20: Final Exams