9/9: These are due on 9/14 at the beginning of class unless otherwise noted. Exercises in red cannot be collected, but are just as important as the exercises in black.
- Log into the Blackboard site for this course.
(Yes, this is part of your assignment!) If you were not automatically enrolled, enroll in the course. If you have any trouble, view this
page through Internet Explorer. Please do
this before our next class! There is also an announcement on the Blackboard site about turnitin.com. Please read it and follow directions.
- Read the course introduction handout carefully.
- Do the exercises on this page.
9/11: These are due on 9/16. Today's Mathematica File
- Read Sections 1.1-1.8 in LL, pages 1-13.
- Read Solved Problems 1.1-1.40 in LL.
- Do exercises 1.50-1.53, 1.57, 1.61, 1.62, 1.68-1.73 in LL.
Week 2
9/14: Due 9/18. Today's Mathematica File
- Write Mathematica code to simulate the following events. Save your work in one Mathematica file, and e-mail the file to me before the due date. Some of these can be accomplished with one line of code, while others may need a few lines. If you use Wolfram Alpha, copy your commands into a word processing file and type in your solutions.
- Roll a six-sided die with sides numbered 1-6 ten times and compute the average roll.
- Flip a fair coin 100 times and count the number of heads that occur.
- Spin a roulette wheel 20 times and count the number of times the wheel comes up red.
- Roll three six-sided dice twenty times and count the number of times that three fours are rolled. (Hint: there is an easy way to do this. Can you think of anything easier but equivalent to count?)
- Alter the code we wrote in class to investigate the following game: Two dice are rolled either 24 or 25 times, and the roller wins if two sixes are rolled on one or more turns. Who does the game favor with 24 rolls? 25 rolls? (Hint: how can you test to see if two sixes were rolled? See if the minimum of the two rolls was a six, or add the two rolls together and see if you rolled a 12.)
9/16: Due 9/21. Today's Mathematica File
- Read 2.1-2.3, 2.5, and 2.7 in LL. Also, read solved problems 2.1-2.3, 2.8-2.22, and 2.32-2.33..
- Do exercises 2.38-2.40 and 2.45, 2.47, 2.49, 2.52, 2.53, 2.54ab, 2.57, 2.75-2.76..
9/18: Due 9/23.
- Do exercises 2.59-2.62 in LL. Read some of solved problems 2.23-2.31 for inspiration.
- We will have our first short quiz on Monday, 9/21 over the material covered from the beginning of the course up to 9/16, excluding Mathematica code.
Week 3
9/21: Due 9/25. Short quiz today!
- Work through the Mathematica Commands sheet to familiarize yourself with the program. Nothing to turn in for this.
- Write Mathematica code to simulate the following and turn in the file via e-mail:
- Roll a seven-sided die numbered 1-7 20 times, recording each roll.
- Roll a seven-sided die numbered 1-7 20 times, recording sum of the 20 rolls of the die.
- Roll a seven-sided die numbered 1-7 20 times, and count the number of times 7 is rolled.
- Roll a seven-sided die numbered 1-7 20 times, and count the number of times the number rolled is greater than 5.
- Roll a seven-sided die numbered 1-7 20 times, and record the number of times an even number is rolled.
9/23: Last day to add or drop a class! Due 9/28.
- Do exercises 2.63-2.68 in LL. Read some of solved problems 2.23-2.31 for inspiration.
- Do exercises 2.69, 2.71.
9/25: Due 9/30.
- Read all of Chapter 3 in LL.
- Do exercises 3.38-3.40, 3.41, 3.42ac, 3.43 abcd, 3.44, 3.45, 3.46, 3.49.
Week 4
9/28: Due 10/2. Today's Mathematica File
- Do exercises 3.50, 3.51, 3.53ab, 3.54, 3.59, 3.60.
9/30: Quiz 2 over the material covered on 9/18, 9/23, and 9/25.
10/2: Due 10/9.
Week 5
10/5: Study for
the exam. No additional assignment.
Exam 1 over the material covered from 9/3-9/30.
10/9: Due 10/14. Today's Mathematica File
Week 6
10/12: No additional assignment.
10/14: Due 10/19
10/16: Quiz 3 over the material covered on 10/2 and 10/14.
Due 10/21:
- Read all of Chapter 4 in L&L, including the solved problems.
- Do exercises 4.41, 4.43, 4.44, 4.46, 4.48, 4.49, 4.55, 4.56-4.58.
Week 7
10/19: Due 10/23
- Do exercises 4.63, 4.64, 4.65, 4.67
10/21: Due 10/26
- Do exercises 4.69, 4.70, 4.73, 4.74, 4.85.
- Also, do the exercises on these pages.
10/23: Due 10/28
Week 8
10/26: Quiz 4 today over the material covered 10/2, 10/14, 10/16, 10/19, and 10/21!
Due 10/30
10/28: Due 11/2
- Do the exercises on this page.
- Your first major project is at this link. Your presentation is due on 11/20.
10/30: Last day to drop a course with a W. Due 11/4
- Read Sections 5.1-5.5 in LL.
- Do exercises 5.54, 5.55, 5.56, 5.59, 5.60, 5.62, 5.65 from LL.
Week 9
11/2: This homework will not be collected.
11/4: This homework will not be collected.
- Do the remainder of the exercises on these pages. Read exercise 10 before doing number 9. Problems 6, 8, 9, 10 will not be covered on Exam 2.
11/6: Class cancelled due to conference.
Week 10
11/9: Study for the exam. No additional assignment.
11/11: Exam
2 over the material from 10/2-11/4. Only the uniform, binomial, and geometric distributions will be on this exam.
11/13: No additional assignment today.
Week 11
11/16: Due 12/2
11/18: No additional assignment.
- Birthday problem prep: meet with your group. Stop by the classroom to try out your visual aids!
11/20: Birthday Problem Presentations! Be ready!
Week 12
11/30: Due 12/4 Today's Mathematica File
- Read Section 7.1 and 7.2 in LL, and any solved problems that look relevant.
- Do exercises 7.23 and 7.25 in LL.
- Do the exercises on these pages.
12/2: Due 12/7 Today's Mathematica File
- Do the exercises on these pages.
- To finish your project: As a group, prepare a Mathematica file that explains your original reasoning on the birthday problem, including computations. Your file should read like a journal article on the topic, including an introduction, computations, and a conclusions. At the end, you can include another section detailing any corrections or additions you wish to make after seeing what other people did. This is due on 12/9 via e-mail.
12/4: This assignment will not be collected.
- Dennis has 2 pennies in his pocket. His dad has a cup containing 2 pennies and 4 quarters on his dresser. Dennis chooses a coin at random from his pocket and trades it for a randomly chosen coin in the cup, returning his new coin to his pocket.
- If Dennis makes two "coin switches," what is the probability that Dennis has one penny and one quarter? two pennies? two quarters?
- If Dennis makes three switches, what is the probability that Dennis has two quarters?
- If Dennis makes 1000 switches (animation again!), what is the probability that Dennis has two quarters?
Week 13
12/7: This assignment will not be collected.
- Find the expected length of the following game using the method discussed today in class.
- The modified horserace game. To review, there are 12 states number 1-12. Players start on state 1. Each turn, a player rolls two dice. To move to the next state, say state i, a player must either roll an i on one of the dice, or have the sum of the two dice equal i. For example, if a player is on state 4, then the player can move to state 5 by either rolling a 5 on one of the dice, or have the sum of the two dice equal 5. The goal is to reach state 12.
12/9: Review for the Third Exam.
Please note that my office hour on 12/10 is canceled.
12/11: Third Exam. This exam will cover the material covered from 11/13-12/7.
Week 14
12/14: Review for the final.
I will not be on campus on 12/15.
Our final exam is on Friday, December 18, at 8:00 am, IN STRAZ 106. It will cover the entire course.