9/9:   These are due on 9/14 at the beginning of class unless otherwise noted. Exercises in red cannot be collected, but are just as important as the exercises in black.

9/11:  These are due on 9/16. Today's Mathematica File

Week 2

9/14:  Due 9/18. Today's Mathematica File

9/16:  Due 9/21. Today's Mathematica File

9/18:  Due 9/23.

Week 3

9/21:  Due 9/25. Short quiz today!

9/23:  Last day to add or drop a class!  Due 9/28. 

9/25:  Due 9/30.

Week 4

9/28:  Due 10/2. Today's Mathematica File

9/30:   Quiz 2 over the material covered on 9/18, 9/23, and 9/25.

10/2:   Due 10/9.

Week 5

10/5:   Study for the exam.  No additional assignment.

10/7:  Exam 1 over the material covered from 9/3-9/30.

10/9:  Due 10/14. Today's Mathematica File

Week 6

10/12:   No additional assignment.

10/14:  Due 10/19

10/16:  Quiz 3 over the material covered on 10/2 and 10/14.

Due 10/21:

Week 7

10/19:  Due 10/23

10/21:  Due 10/26

10/23:  Due 10/28

Week 8

10/26:  Quiz 4 today over the material covered 10/2, 10/14, 10/16, 10/19, and 10/21!

Due 10/30

10/28:  Due 11/2

10/30:  Last day to drop a course with a W. Due 11/4

Week 9

11/2:  This homework will not be collected.

11/4:  This homework will not be collected.

11/6: Class cancelled due to conference.

Week 10

11/9:  Study for the exam. No additional assignment.

11/11:  Exam 2 over the material from 10/2-11/4. Only the uniform, binomial, and geometric distributions will be on this exam.

11/13: No additional assignment today.

Week 11

11/16: Due 12/2

11/18:  No additional assignment.

11/20: Birthday Problem Presentations! Be ready!

Week 12

11/30:  Due 12/4 Today's Mathematica File

12/2: Due 12/7 Today's Mathematica File

12/4: This assignment will not be collected.

Week 13

12/7: This assignment will not be collected.

12/9:  Review for the Third Exam. 

Please note that my office hour on 12/10 is canceled.

12/11:  Third Exam. This exam will cover the material covered from 11/13-12/7.

Week 14

12/14: Review for the final.

I will not be on campus on 12/15.


Our final exam is on Friday, December 18, at 8:00 am, IN STRAZ 106. It will cover the entire course.