Calculus II

Murphy's Laws and Corollaries - Manubay's First Law of Programming: If a programmer's modification of an existing program works, it's probably not what the user wanted.

Click here for phone/printer friendly version of assignments

Calculus II

Do only these tasks before our first class:

* Watch this video: Welcome!
* How to be a student in a flipped classroom (about 11 minutes).
* Read the Carthage Mask and Vaccination Policy.
* Read this information on MyMathLab that you should have received in an email.

You do not need to do an of the assignments outside of this box until after our first class.

2/8: In Person Learning Today! Live Stream and/or Zoom Links Are On The Help Page - FINALIZED (Do not start a homework assignment until you see the word FINALIZED)

You are encouraged to use my office hours (Zoom or in person) for help hours on the homework. However, you may not ask questions over homework on the day that the assignment is due.

Do NOT assume that any assignment beyond today's is correct! I often change them the day of class.

Introductory Reading and Activities - There is nothing to turn in for reading assignments, but the material could appear on quizzes.

* Read the course introduction (syllabus) at this link (it's also on Schoology and on the Help Page). This document contains information that you may need to know. Some of it could appear on a quiz.
* Read the Carthage Academic Honesty Guidelines. There is a link at the top of this page.
* Take this brief background survey before class on Friday. (Yes, this is required, and you will receive credit for doing it!) You will need to log in to your Carthage account.
* Read this page on homework expectations.
* Read this page on free tutoring opportunities.
* Create an account on MyMathLab and enroll in our course. There are instructions at this link. I will check this on Friday, and you will receive a few points for creating this account! If you don't have a code, sign up for a free trial and get a code as soon as possible. There is no reason not to do this!
* Do the first assignment on MyMathLab. It is a skills assessment assignment that will count as homework. You will only have one try at this assignment. (Normally I will give you an unlimited number of attempts, but the purpose of this assignment is to see if we need to review this material.)
* Check the blog (see the link on the left side of this page) for updates. You should check the blog every day. I will provide homework hints, comments on how our class went, and more!

Required Videos to View Before Class on 2/10, Which is on Friday.

Introductory Videos - you may wish to jot down a few notes.
* Using the Web Page (for those who missed class)
* Office hours - Zoom and in-person (of course, there are no in-person office hours during remote learning)
* Multimedia resources in MyMathLab (I made this video last spring.)

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!
(1) Data From My Bike Ride
(2) Calculus, Velocity, and Distance
(3) Area
(4) Function, Equation, Evaluate, and Solve
(5) Watch this video produced by Arizona State University - it could increase your grade. You could also listen to this radio program. You can read the article, or click on the blue "Listen" button on the left side of the page. You can read the text as well, but listening might be more effective.

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, the answers should appear on the screen. You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* MyMathLab didn't really have any good videos on this topic. When there are some, I will let you know here.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

Optional material from the Khan Academy

* The Khan Academy can be a great study tool. I don't anticipate assigning any problems from that site, but if you want to use the site as a study or review tool, please create an account on Khan Academy. You can use your Carthage e-mail (Google) or your Facebook account as a login for Khan. Let me know right away if you have any difficulties. Then add me as a Coach. My coach ID is my e-mail address (my Carthage address with msnavely as the name). The class code is 5PDW2J. You do not need to create an account to view the optional videos.

We will take this quiz before you leave class today.

Today's VQ for in class use

2/10: In Person Learning Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework assigned today are due on 2/15.

Reading Assignment

* Re-read your class notes carefully.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 2/13.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!
(1) Basic Differentiation Rules
(2) Notation
(3) Combination Rules

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, the answers should appear on the screen. You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* There is an optional video assignment in MML. I think the Khan Academy videos are better, but you may want to check out the MML videos as well if you need significant review.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions..

Optional material from the Khan Academy

* Many videos. Here is a page with product rule videos, and one with quotient rule videos.
* Here is a video on the chain rule.
* I highly recommend the exercise entitled Practice: Identifying Composite Functions.

Optional: Sign up for your free MAA membership at this link.

Today's VQ for in-class use

Week 2

2/13: In Person Learning Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework assigned today are due 2/17.

Reading Assignment

* Re-read your notes for this section.
* Review Sections 3.3, 3.5, 3.6, 3.8, and 3.9 in HHW (the eText in MyMathLab).


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Fill out this homework response form after you have completed the assignment. This will count as a writing assignment.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 2/15.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!
(1) Limit Definitions
(2) Unbounded Functions
(3) L'Hopital's Rule
(4) An Example

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, the answers should appear on the screen. You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* There is an optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material, particularly L'Hopital's Rule. The videos are particularly good this time.

* The MyMathLab assignment and the homework assignment from the handout over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

Optional material from the Khan Academy

* Here is one video from the Khan Academy, and another on one-sided limits.

Today's VQ for class use

Graph for Class Use

2/14:Quiz Today! Class starts at 8:30! - FINALIZED

Today's quiz will cover the material that we discussed in class on 2/8 and 2/10, including area, functions and equations. Everyone should be taking this quiz in person in class.

This is a quiz, and you should not do anything that you would not do if you were taking the quiz in class in person. You may use a calculator, paper, and a writing utensil. That's all! No phones are allowed on any exams or quizzes. Please remove all headphones, earbuds, or other listening devices.

NO PHONES ARE PERMITTED ON ANY QUIZ OR EXAM! If I see your phone at any time before you turn in your quiz, you will receive a 0 on this quiz. No excuses, no exceptions! Place your phone in a zippered pocket in your backpack and zip it shut or place your phone on the table at the front of the classroom.

You are not permitted to communicate with any human being by any means, including but not limited to, talking, phone conversations, text messages, email messages, hand signals, smoke signals, semaphore, Morse code, Norse code (used to communicate with Vikings), social media, antisocial media, or any other means that I've omitted. You are not permitted to use any internet resource whatsoever. You are not permitted to use your notes, your text, any text, MyMathLab, YourMathLab, AnyoneElsesMathLab, Google, WolframAlpha, anything on our course website, or any other internet resource that I've omitted.

2/15: In Person Learning Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework assigned today are due 2/20. Last day to add or drop a course.

Reading Assignment

* Re-read your class notes over this material.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* On a piece of paper that you can turn in to me, evaluate the limits below and write your results using correct notation.
(1) \(\displaystyle \lim_{x\rightarrow 2} \frac{3x+5}{x^2+1}\)
(2) \(\displaystyle \lim_{x\rightarrow 2} \frac{4\sin(x-2)}{x^2-4}\)
(3) \(\displaystyle \lim_{x\rightarrow \infty} \frac{3x+5}{x^2+1}\)
(4) \(\displaystyle \lim_{x\rightarrow \infty} \frac{3x^2+5}{7x^2+1000x+5000}\)
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 2/17.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!
(1) Antiderivatives
(2) One Example
(3) Two More Examples

If you've had trouble accessing the eText, here is a video on where to find it!

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, the answers should appear on the screen. You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

* I did not find any videos in MyMathLab that were particularly helpful.

Optional material from the Khan Academy

* The Khan Academy has many videos and could be great help reviewing antiderivatives.

Today's VQ for class use

2/17: In Person Learning Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework assigned today are due 2/22.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 4.8 in HHW.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 2/20.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!
(1) Substitution
(2) Performing a Substitution
(3) There Are No Rules
(4) Using Substitution and Imagination

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, the answers should appear on the screen. You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* There is an optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

Optional material from the Khan Academy

* I've been told that this comic tells some math-related jokes, and that you might enjoy this show. He performs on campus on February 25. Here is a sample of his show.

Today's VQ for Class Use


Week 3

2/20: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework assigned today are due 2/24.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 5.5 in HHW.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 2/22.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!
(1) Definite Integrals
(2) The Example Continued and Riemann Sums
(3) The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
(4) Two Examples

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, the answers should appear on the screen. You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

* There is an optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Optional material from the Khan Academy

* Nothing that I would single out.

Today's VQ for in-class use

2/21: Quiz today over the material discussed in class on 2/13 (Derivatives), 2/15 (Limits), and 2/17 (Antiderivatives). The quiz will begin at 8:30. - FINALIZED

2/22: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework assigned today are due 2/27.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 5.4 in HHW.


* Do the MyMathLab over today's material.
* On a piece of paper that you can turn in to me, evaluate the integrals below and write your results using correct notation.
(1) \(\displaystyle \int_0^2 x^3\, dx\)
(2) \(\displaystyle \int_{-1}^3 e^{-2t} \, dt\)
(3) \(\displaystyle \int_0^{\pi/4} \sec x \tan x \, dx\)
(4) \(\displaystyle \int_1^2 \frac{x+3}{2x} \, dx\)
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 2/24.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!
(1) Definite Integrals and Substitutions

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. You should receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

* There is no video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Optional material from the Khan Academy

* Nothing really on the Khan Academy either. We'll use some of their videos when we examine each rule individually.

* Tutoring is available! Instructions are at this link. Walk-in hours are also available with no appointment.

Today's VQ for class

2/24: In-Person Instruction. - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework assigned today are due 3/1.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 5.6 (the first part on substitutions) in HHW.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment for today.
* On a piece of paper that you can turn in to me, evaluate the integrals below and write your results using correct notation. If you don't know what substitution to use, feel free to ask! Leave your answers as exact values, not decimals.
(1) \(\displaystyle \int_0^2 x^3\, e^{(x^4)}\, dx\)
(2) \(\displaystyle \int_{-1}^3 t \sqrt{t^2+1} \, dt\)
(3) \(\displaystyle \int_0^{2} \frac{x}{3-x} \, dx\)
(4) \(\displaystyle \int_1^2 \frac{\sin \sqrt x}{\sqrt x} \, dx\)
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 2/27.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!
(1) Area Between Two Curves
(2) Volume of a Solid (this video was made a while back)
(3) The Cylinder Example
(4) Another Example (Note: You could do the integral in this video using geometry!)

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. You should receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* There is NO optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

Optional material

* If have videos on derivatives and antiderivatives on my Calc I page. If you need to review, you could check them out.

Today's VQ for class

Week 4

2/27: In-Person Instruction Today! Today's Mathematica File. - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework are due 3/3.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 5.6 (the part on area) and Section 6.1 (the first part) in HHW.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 3/1.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!
(1) Solids of Revolution - A First Example
(2) Another Example

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. This video quiz involves some computation, so have paper and pencil handy. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, I will review your answers then release them to you, just to make sure no correct answers are marked as incorrect.You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

* There is an optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Optional material

* Nothing yet.

Today's VQ for Class

2/28: Quiz today over the material covered on 2/20 (substitution), 2/22 (definite integrals), and 2/24 (substitutions and definite integrals). Please arrive in class in time to take the quiz at 8:30. - FINALIZED

3/1: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework assignments are due 3/6.

Reading Assignment

* Re-read the last part of Section 6.1 in HHW.


* Do the MyMathLab over today's material.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 3/3.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!
(1) When Disks Aren't A Great Choice
(2) The Shell or Cylinder Method
(3) The First Example Revisited, and More!

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, the answers should appear on the screen. You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

* There is an optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Optional material from the Khan Academy

* There is a lot of material on the internet on this topic.

Today's VQ for Class

3/3: REMOTE Instruction Today! - FINALIZED - View today's class on the Live Stream

The Reading and Homework Assignments are due 3/8.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 6.2 in HHW.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment for today.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 3/6.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!
(1) Arc Length
(2) When Everything Works Great

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. You should receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* There is an optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

Optional material from the Khan Academy

* Nothing yet.

Today's VQ for Class

Week 5

3/6: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework Assignments are due 3/10.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 6.3 in HHW.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 3/8.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

These videos were recorded last spring. Ignore any references to this being a "Thursday class" - our lab was on Thursday last spring, and we had to cover new material on Thursdays because we lost an entire week due to cancelled classes. Special thanks to Wildwood Presbyterian Church in Grayslake, Illinois, for allowing me to use a classroom to record these videos.

(1) Surfaces of Revolution
(2) The Surface Area of a Cone
(3) Another Example

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, I will review your answers then release them to you, just to make sure no correct answers are marked as incorrect.You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* Fill out this exam reflection before class on Wednesday (or Friday I guess).

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions. Use limits to compute the derivatives in this assignment! I could ask you to do that on our upcoming exam.

* There is an optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Optional material from the Khan Academy

* I didn't find the Khan academy particularly helpful.

Today's VQ for Class

3/7 : Exam 1 over the material discussed in class from 2/8-3/3 (up to and including solids of revolution - not arc length). You will have the entire class period to complete the exam. I expect everyone to be in class today. The exam will begin officially at 8:00 and be collected at 9:40, but you can actually start at 7:45 if you wish.


You are not permitted to communicate with any human being by any means, including but not limited to, talking, phone conversations, text messages, email messages, hand signals, smoke signals, semaphore, Morse code, Norse code (used to communicate with Vikings), social media, antisocial media, or any other means that I've omitted. You are not permitted to use any internet resource whatsoever. You are not permitted to use your notes, your text, any text, MyMathLab, YourMathLab, AnyoneElsesMathLab, Google, WolframAlpha, anything on our course website (except of course the link to the exam!), or any other internet resource that I've omitted.

I will provide a calculator for you to use. No phones!

Complete this exam reflection before class on Friday.

3/8: In Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework assignments are due 3/20.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 6.4.


* Do the MyMathLab over today's material.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 3/10.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!
(1) Centers of Mass
(2) Formulas for Center of Mass
(3) An Example
(4) Theorems of Pappas

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. You should receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

Optional material from the Khan Academy

* Nothing right now.

Today's VQ for class

3/10: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework Assignments are due 3/22.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 6.6 in HHW.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment for today.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 3/20.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!
(1) An Interesting Integral
(2) The Inverse Hyperbolic Trig Functions
(3) Integral Tables

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. You should receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* There is NO optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

Optional material from the Khan Academy

* Nothing at this time, but you could check out an larger integral table from the library just for fun.

Today's VQ for class

Week 6

3/13: Spring Break - Class Does Not Meet

3/14: Spring Break - Class Does Not Meet

3/15: Spring Break - Class Does Not Meet

3/17: Spring Break - Class Does Not Meet

Week 7

3/20: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework Assignments are due 3/24.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 7.3 in HHW.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 3/22.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

(1) Long Division
(2) Completing the Square

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, I will review your answers then release them to you, just to make sure no correct answers are marked as incorrect.You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions. Use limits to compute the derivatives in this assignment! I could ask you to do that on our upcoming exam.

* There is an optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Optional material from the Khan Academy

* Noting in particular, but there is information available.

Today's VQ for class use.

3/21: Quiz over the material covered from 3/6-3/10. FINALIZED

The quiz will begin at 8:30.

3/22: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework assignments are due 3/27.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 8.1 in HHW.


* Do the MyMathLab over today's material.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 3/24.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!
(1) Integration by Parts - An Example
(2) Deriving Integration by Parts
(3) The Table Method

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. You should receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

Optional material from the Khan Academy

* I'm sure there are some good videos.

Today's VQ for class use

3/24: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework Assignments are due 3/29.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 8.2 in HHW.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment for today.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 3/27.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!
(1) Powers of the Sine Function and the Cosine Function
(2) Even Powers and Powers of the Secant Function and Tangent Function
(3) The Secant Function Cubed, and Three Interesting Trig Identities

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. You should receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* There is no optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

Optional material from the Khan Academy

* None right now.

Today's VQ for in-class use.

Week 8

3/27: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework Assignments are due 3/31.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 8.3 in HHW.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 3/29.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

These videos were recorded last spring. Ignore any references to things that don't seem relevant to our class.
(1) Trigonometric Substitutions
(2) A Second Example

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, I will review your answers then release them to you, just to make sure no correct answers are marked as incorrect.You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions. Use limits to compute the derivatives in this assignment! I could ask you to do that on our upcoming exam.

* There is no optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Optional material from the Khan Academy

* Nothing yet.

Today's VQ for class.

3/28 : Quiz today over the material covered from 3/20-3/24. As usual, the quiz will begin at 8:30. - FINALIZED

3/29: In Person Instruction - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework assignments are due 4/3.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 8.4 in HHW.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 3/31.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

(1) One Integral - Three Methods: Using a Table
(2) A Trig Substitution
(3) Partial Fractions

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, I will review your answers then release them to you, just to make sure no correct answers are marked as incorrect.You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions. Use limits to compute the derivatives in this assignment! I could ask you to do that on our upcoming exam.

* There is no optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Optional material from the Khan Academy

* Nothing yet.

Today's VQ for Class

3/31: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework Assignments are due 4/5.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 8.5 in HHW.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 4/3.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!
(1) Trapezoidal Rule
(2) Simpson's Rule
(3) Using a Computer
(4) Error Estimates Oops! I forgot to square \(n\) in the denominator of my first example!

Today's Mathematica File to download, or use in the cloud.

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, I will review your answers then release them to you, just to make sure no correct answers are marked as incorrect.You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions. Use limits to compute the derivatives in this assignment! I could ask you to do that on our upcoming exam.

* There is no optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Optional material from the Khan Academy

* None today

Today's VQ for Class

Week 9

4/3: In-Person Instruction Today - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework assignments are due 4/12.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 8.7 in HHW.


* Do the MyMathLab over today's material.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 4/5.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!
(1) Improper Integral Involving Infinity
(2) Integrating Around a Pole

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. You should receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

Optional material from the Khan Academy

* There are many.

VQ for In Class Use

4/4 : Quiz today over the material covered on 3/27, 3/29, and 3/31. Class will begin at 8:30.

4/5: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework assignments are due 4/14.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 8.8 in HHW.


* Do the MyMathLab over today's material.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to Re-View Before Class on 4/12.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!
(1) Improper Integral Involving Infinity
(2) Integrating Around a Pole

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. Yes, you watched these videos for the last class, but this is important! You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. You should receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

Optional material from the Khan Academy

* There are many.

VQ for In Class Use

4/7: Easter Break - Class Does Not Meet

Week 10

4/10: Easter Break - Class Does Not Meet.

4/11: Quiz today over integration techniques. Class will begin at 8:30. Improper integrals are not on this quiz.

4/12: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

No videos to watch for Friday!

The Reading and Homework Assignments are due 4/17.

Reading Assignment

* Re-read Section 8.8 in HHW.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

No Videos to Watch for Next Class

4/14: In-Person Instruction Today! - Integration Review! FINALIZED

Required Videos to View Before Class on 4/17.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

These videos were recorded last spring. Ignore any references to things that don't seem relevant to our class.

(1) Probability Density Functions
(2) Probability Distributions

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, I will review your answers then release them to you, just to make sure no correct answers are marked as incorrect.You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions. Use limits to compute the derivatives in this assignment! I could ask you to do that on our upcoming exam.

* There is no optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Optional material from the Khan Academy

* Nothing specific.

Today's VQ for class use

Week 11

4/17: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework assignments are due 4/21.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 8.9 in HHW.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 4/19.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

(1) Sequences
(2) Factorials
(3) Two Important Tests
(4) One More Test
(5) Sequences Have WARTS - Using the Strobe Light Test
(6) Using CoS
(7) Two More Examples

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, I will review your answers then release them to you, just to make sure no correct answers are marked as incorrect.You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions. Use limits to compute the derivatives in this assignment! I could ask you to do that on our upcoming exam.

* There is no optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Optional material from the Khan Academy

* Nothing great. WARTS is unique to me, so nothing online about it.

Today's VQ for class use

4/18: Exam 2 over the material covered from 3/6 - 4/14. Sequences are not on this exam.

You are not permitted to communicate with any human being by any means, including but not limited to, talking, phone conversations, text messages, email messages, hand signals, smoke signals, semaphore, Morse code, Moose code (used to communicate with large animals), social media, antisocial media, or any other means that I've omitted. You are not permitted to use any internet resource whatsoever. You are not permitted to use your notes, your text, any text, MyMathLab, YourMathLab, AnyoneElsesMathLab, Google, WolframAlpha, anything on our course website (except of course the link to the exam!), or any other internet resource that I've omitted.

I will provide a calculator for you to use. No phones!

4/19: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework Assignments are due 4/24.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 10.1 in HHW.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 4/21.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

These videos were recorded last spring. Ignore any references to things that don't seem relevant to our class. Here is a link to the polygon Mathematica file. Have some fun!

(1) Infinite Sums
(2) Geometric Series
(3) Geometric Series Example
(4) Telescoping Series
(5) Series Theorems

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, I will review your answers then release them to you, just to make sure no correct answers are marked as incorrect.You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions. Use limits to compute the derivatives in this assignment! I could ask you to do that on our upcoming exam.

* There is an optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Optional material from the Khan Academy

* Nothing today.

Today's Video Quiz

4/21: In-Person Instruction - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework Assignments are due 4/26.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 10.2 in HHW.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Fill out a WARTS template for five of the questions in this assignment. You can choose which five. If you submit your work by email, please write your name on the paper!
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 4/24.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

These videos were recorded last spring. Ignore any references to things that don't seem relevant to our class.
(1) The Integral Test
(2) The p-series Test

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, I will review your answers then release them to you, just to make sure no correct answers are marked as incorrect.You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions. Use limits to compute the derivatives in this assignment! I could ask you to do that on our upcoming exam.

* There is no optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Today's Video Quiz

Optional material from the Khan Academy

* None.

Week 12

4/24: In person instruction - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework assignments are due 4/28.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 10.3 in HHW.


* Do the MyMathLab over today's material.
* Fill out a WARTS template for five of the questions in this assignment. You can choose which five. If you submit your work by email, please write your name on the paper!
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 4/26.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

Last spring, we lost a few days of class, so I had to combine two days of material into one day. This year, we can can two days to cover these topics, so one set of notes will cover two days here.

(1) The Comparison Test
(2) The Limit Comparison Test

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. You should receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

* There is NO optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Optional material from the Khan Academy

* No good videos this time.

Today's VQ for Class Use

4/25: Quiz Over The Material Covered in Class from 4/17-4/21. Class will begin at 8:30 as usual.

4/26: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework Assignments are due 5/1.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 10.4 in HHW.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Fill out a WARTS template for five of the questions in this assignment. You can choose which five. If you submit your work by email, please write your name on the paper!
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 4/28.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

These videos were recorded last spring. Ignore any references to things that don't seem relevant to our class.

(1) The Ratio Test
(2) The Root Test

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, I will review your answers then release them to you, just to make sure no correct answers are marked as incorrect.You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions. Use limits to compute the derivatives in this assignment! I could ask you to do that on our upcoming exam.

* There is no optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Optional material from the Khan Academy

* Nothing here.

Today's VQ for Class Use

4/28: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework Assignments are due 5/3.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 10.5 in HHW.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Fill out a WARTS template for five of the questions in this assignment. You can choose which five. If you submit your work by email, please write your name on the paper!
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 5/1.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

These videos were recorded last spring. Ignore any references to things that don't seem relevant to our class.
(1) The Leibniz Alternating Series Test
(2) An Example of Conditional Convergence

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, I will review your answers then release them to you, just to make sure no correct answers are marked as incorrect.You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions. Use limits to compute the derivatives in this assignment! I could ask you to do that on our upcoming exam.

* There is no optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Optional material from the Khan Academy

* There probably are some good videos.

Today's VQ for Class Use

Week 13

5/1: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework assignments are due 5/5.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 10.6 in HHW.


* Do the MyMathLab over today's material.
* Fill out a WARTS template for five of the questions in this assignment. You can choose which five. If you submit your work by email, please write your name on the paper!
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 5/3.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

(1) Power Series
(2) Definition of Power Series
(3) Interval of Convergence
(4) So What?

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. You should receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

* There is no optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Optional material from the Khan Academy

* None right now.

Today's Video Quiz

5/2: QUIZ over the material covered in class on 4/24-4/28. Class will begin at 8:30.

5/3: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework Assignments are due 5/8.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 10.7 in HHW.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Fill out a WARTS template for five of the questions in this assignment. You can choose which five. If you submit your work by email, please write your name on the paper!
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 5/5.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

These videos were recorded last spring. Ignore any references to things that don't seem relevant to our class.

(1) Taylor Series Definition
(2) Important Taylor Series

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, I will review your answers then release them to you, just to make sure no correct answers are marked as incorrect.You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions. Use limits to compute the derivatives in this assignment! I could ask you to do that on our upcoming exam.

* There is no optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Optional material from the Khan Academy

* There are probably some.

Today's VQ for Class Use

5/5: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework Assignments are due 5/10.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 10.8 in HHW.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Fill out a WARTS template for five of the questions in this assignment. You can choose which five. If you submit your work by email, please write your name on the paper! (I admit this was an unusual WARTS situation. I dropped an extra homework assignment because so few of you turned this in.)
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 5/8.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

These videos were recorded last spring. Ignore any references to things that don't seem relevant to our class.
(1) Taylor Series With Remainder
(2) Finding Taylor Series

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, I will review your answers then release them to you, just to make sure no correct answers are marked as incorrect.You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

* There is no optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Optional material from the Khan Academy

* Nothing yet.

Today's VQ for Class Use

Week 14

5/8: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework Assignments are due 5/12.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 10.9 in HHW.


* Do the MyMathLab over today's material. You may use everything we have learned in the course to do the problems in this assignment; you do not need to use limits of sums, and in fact I strongly discourage you from using limits of sums. NO WARTS SHEET NEEDED FOR THIS SECTION.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 5/10.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

(1) Power Series and Limits
(2) Power Series and Derivatives
(3) Power Series and Specific Sums

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. You should receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

* There is no optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Optional material from the Khan Academy

* None yet.

Today's video quiz.

5/9: Quiz - The quiz will be over the material covered in class from 5/1-5/5.

5/10: In Person Instruction - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework Assignments are due 5/15.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 10.10 in HHW.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

No Videos to View for Next Class

5/12: In Person Instruction - Series Practice! - FINALIZED

Required Videos to View Before Class on 5/15.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

(1) Parametric Equations
(2) Mathematica and Parametric Equations
(3) Lines Revisited
(4) Circles and Parametric Equations

A graphic for our last example, and here is our Mathematica file.

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, I will review your answers then release them to you, just to make sure no correct answers are marked as incorrect.You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions. Use limits to compute the derivatives in this assignment! I could ask you to do that on our upcoming exam.

* There is no optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Optional material from the Khan Academy

* None yet.

Today's video quiz.

Week 15

5/15: In Person Instruction - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework Assignments are due 5/19.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 11.1 in HHW.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 5/17.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

These videos were recorded last spring. Ignore any references to things that don't seem relevant to our class.
(1) Parametric Equations and Derivatives
(2) Parametric Equations and Area

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, I will review your answers then release them to you, just to make sure no correct answers are marked as incorrect.You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions. Use limits to compute the derivatives in this assignment! I could ask you to do that on our upcoming exam.

* There is no optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Optional material from the Khan Academy

* Nothing.

Today's VQ for Class Use

5/16: Exam 3 over the material covered in class from 4/17 through 5/12. Parametric equations are not on this exam.

You are not permitted to communicate with any human being by any means, including but not limited to, talking, phone conversations, text messages, email messages, hand signals, smoke signals, semaphore, Morse code, Norse code (used to communicate with Vikings), social media, antisocial media, or any other means that I've omitted. You are not permitted to use any internet resource whatsoever. You are not permitted to use your notes, your text, any text, MyMathLab, YourMathLab, AnyoneElsesMathLab, Google, WolframAlpha, anything on our course website (except of course the link to the exam!), or any other internet resource that I've omitted.

5/17: In-Person Instruction - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework Assignments are due 5/22. Notice that this homework is due by 8:00 on the day of the final exam.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 11.2 in HHW.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class. YOU ARE ENCOURAGED TO USE MATHEMATICA TO COMPUTE THE ARC LENGTH AND SURFACE AREA INTEGRALS!
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

5/19: In-Person Instruction - Exam Review. - FINALIZED


5/22: Final Exam Over All Of The Material In The Course

Our final exam is today from 8:00-10:00.

You may use the calculator I provide, paper, and a writing utensil. That's all! You will also have a copy of the Integral Table/Series sheet.

You are not permitted to communicate with any human being by any means, including but not limited to, talking, phone conversations, text messages, email messages, hand signals, smoke signals, semaphore, Morse code, Force code (used to communicate with Jedi Knights), social media, antisocial media, or any other means that I've omitted. You are not permitted to use any internet resource whatsoever. You are not permitted to use your notes, your text, any text, MyMathLab, YourMathLab, AnyoneElsesMathLab, Google, WolframAlpha, anything on our course website (except of course the link to the exam!), or any other internet resource that I've omitted. That certainly includes communicating with other class members during the exam!

5/23: Final Exams

5/24: Final Exams



Reading Assignment

* Read


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 5/35.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this video quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, the answers should appear on the screen. You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

* There is an optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Optional material from the Khan Academy

* The