Functions Graphs and Analysis

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Functions Graphs and Analysis

Complete only these tasks before our first class:

* Watch this video: Welcome!
* How to be a student in a flipped classroom (about 11 minutes).
* Read the Carthage Mask and Vaccination Policy.
* Read this information on MyMathLab that you should have received in an email.

You do not need to do an of the assignments outside of this box until after our first class.

2/2: In-Person Learning Today! Live Stream Links Are On The Help Page - FINALIZED

You are encouraged to use my office hours (Zoom or in person) for help on the homework. However, you may not ask questions over homework on the day that the assignment is due.

Do NOT assume that any assignment beyond today's is correct! I often change them the day of class.

Introductory Reading and Activities to be Completed Before Class on Friday- There is nothing to turn in for reading assignments, but the material could appear on quizzes.

* Read the course introduction (syllabus) at this link (the notes for the first day are also in this document). This document contains information that you may need to know. Some of it could appear on a quiz.
* Read the Carthage Academic Honesty Guidelines. There is a link at the top of this page.
* Take this brief background survey. (Yes, this is required, and you will receive credit for doing it!) You will need to log in to your Carthage account.
* Read this page on homework expectations.

* Create an account on MyMathLab and enroll in our course. There are instructions at this link. I will check this on Friday, and you will receive a few points for creating this account! If you don't have a code, sign up for a free trial and get a code as soon as possible. There is no reason not to do this!
* Do the first assignment on MyMathLab. It is a skills assessment assignment that will count as homework. You will only have one try at this assignment. (Normally I will give you an unlimited number of attempts, but the purpose of this assignment is to see if we need to review this material.)You will only have two tries per question (I normally do not put any limit on the numbmer of attempts.)

* Read this page on how to get math help at Carthage. Why not create an account now?
* Check the blog (see the link on the left side of this page) for updates. You should check the blog every day. I will provide homework hints, comments on how our class went, and more!

Required Videos to View Before Class on 2/4, Which is on Friday

Introductory Videos - you may wish to jot down a few notes.

* Office hours - Zoom and in-person (recorded last fall - still mostly accurate, except that office hours are one hour long now)
* Resources in MyMathLab

* With the handout (you've seen this already in the link to the syllabus) available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!
(1) Exponent and Radical Rules
(2) The First Example
(3) A Radical Example
(4) Not Everything Reduces
(5) Absolute Values
(6) Here is a link to a video produced by Arizona State University, which I recommend very highly. It could increase your grade significantly! You could also listen to this radio program. You can read the article, or click on the blue "Listen" button on the left side of the page. You can read the text as well, but listening might be more effective.

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this video quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* I have created an optional video assignment in MyMathLab for those of you who would like to see additional examples.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

Optional material from the Khan Academy

* The Khan Academy can be a great study tool. I don't anticipate assigning any problems from that site, but if you want to use the site as a study or review tool, please create an account on Khan Academy. You can use your Carthage e-mail (Google) or your Facebook account as a login for Khan. Let me know right away if you have any difficulties. Then add me as a Coach. My coach ID is my e-mail address (my Carthage address with msnavely as the name). The class code is 57AU944E. You do not need to create an account to view the optional videos. If you type today's topic into the search bar in the Khan Academy, you will find some very good videos.

Today's VQuiz For In-Class Use - You cannot take the quiz at this link! Use the link above.

We will take this quiz at the end of class today. Don't take it early!

2/4: In-Person Learning Today! - We will discuss Sections R.4 and R.8. You watched videos on this material to prepare for today's class. - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework assigned today are due on 2/9.

Reading Assignment

* Skim Sections R.1-R.3 in LHSD.
* Read Sections R.4 and R.8 in LHSD.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Fill out this homework response form after you have completed the assignment. This will count as a writing assignment.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 2/7.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!
(1) Definition of a Polynomial
(2) Identifying Polynomials
(3) Adding and Multiplying Polynomials
(4) Examples of Multiplication
(5) Polynomial Long Division
(6) Two Related Examples

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this video quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, the answers should appear on the screen. You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions..


* Sign up for your free MAA membership at this link.

* I have created an optional video assignment over this material in MyMathLab. The videos deal with function composition.

Today's VQ for in-class use

Week 2

2/7: In-Person Learning Today! - We will discuss Section R.5. - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework assigned today are due 2/11.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section R.5 in LHSD.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 2/9.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!
(1) Why Is Factoring Important?
(2) Worked Examples
(3) More Examples
(4) Factoring Quadratics
(5) Another Example Quadratic
(6) Patterns Can Help!
(7) One Last Example
(8) Optional Video on Technology and Factoring

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this video quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, you should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment and the homework assignment from the handout over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

Optional material

* There is an optional MyMathLab video assignment over this material.

Today's VQ for class

2/9: In-Person Learning Today! - We will discuss Section R.6. - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework assigned today are due 2/14. Last day to add or drop a course.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section R.6 in LHSD.

* Read this page on how to get math help at Carthage. Drop in tutoring starts today!


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.
* Notice that our first quiz is on Friday! The quiz will be over the material we discussed in class on 2/4 and 2/7. If you need to miss class, I need to know that before class starts. Makeup quizzes are generally given at 7:00 am on the day that you return to class, but ONLY if you have a medical excuse or a signficant issue that makes it physically impossible for you to come to class.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 2/11.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!
(1) Rational Expressions
(2) Examples of Sums
(3) Technology and Parentheses
(4) Reducing Complex Fractions
(5) Complex Fraction Example 1
(6) Complex Fraction Example 2
(7) A Calculus-Based Example

If you've had trouble accessing the eText, here is a video on where to find it!

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, the answers should appear on the screen. You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

Optional material

* There is an optional MyMathLab video assignment over this material.

Today's VQ for in class

2/11: QUIZ TODAY! In-Person Learning. The quiz covers the material that we discussed in class on 2/4 (exponents and radicals) and 2/7 (polynomials). - FINALIZED

After the quiz, we will discuss Section R.7.

The Reading and Homework assigned today are due 2/16.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section R.7 in LHSD.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Fill out this homework response form after you have complete the homework assignment.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 2/14.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!
(1) Linear Equations
(2) Solving Linear Equations
(3) Linear Equations With Constants
(4) Using Linear Equations
(5) Constructing Linear Equations

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, the answers should appear on the screen. You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

Optional material

* There is an optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Today's VQ for class


Week 3

2/14: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework assigned today are due 2/18.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 1.1 in LHSD. You could skim 1.2 as well.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 2/16.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!
(1) Quadratic Equations
(2) Demonstrating Properties of Quadratic Equations
(3) Two Examples
(4) Two More Examples
(5) Completing the Square

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this video quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, the answers should appear on the screen. You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

Optional material

* There is an optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Today's VQ for class

2/16: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework assigned today are due on 2/21.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 1.4 in LHSD.


* Do the MyMathLab over today's material.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 2/18.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!
(1) Introduction to Applications
(2) Consecutive Integer Examples
(3) Cutting Plywood
(4) Projectile Motion
(5) Right Triangles

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this video quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. You should receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

Optional material

* There is an optional video assignment in MyMathLab. There wasn't much this time, but a few decent videos.

* Tutoring is available! Instructions are at this link. Walk-in hours are also available with no appointment.

Today's VQ for class

2/18: In-Person Instruction - FINALIZED

There is a quiz on Monday over the material discussed in class on 2/9 (R.6), 2/11 (R.7), 2/14 (1.1), and 2/16 (1.4). The quiz will begin at 10:30. If you arrive after 10:30, you will have less time to work on the quiz.

The Reading and Homework assigned today are due on 2/23.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 1.5 in LHSD, skipping examples that are not similar to those in the videos.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment for today.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 2/21.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!
(1) Equations Involving Rational Functions
(2) Another Rational Function Equation
(3) Yet Another Rational Function Example
(4) Equations Involving Radicals
(5) Examples Iinvolving Radicals
(6) Other Rational Exponents

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this video quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. You should receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

Optional material

* There is an optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Today's VQ for class

Week 4

2/21: In-Person Instruction - FINALIZED

QUIZ TODAY over the material discussed in class on 2/9 (R.6), 2/11 (R.7), 2/14 (1.1), and 2/16 (1.4). The quiz will begin at 10:30. If you arrive after 10:30, you will have less time to work on the quiz.

After the quiz we will discuss Section 1.6.

The Reading and Homework are due 2/25.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 1.6 in LHSD.
* Re-read Section R.7 in LHSD. If you can do the algebra, you can solve the equations!


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 2/23.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!
(1) Linear Inequalities
(2) Examples of Linear Inequalities
(3) Quadratic Inequalities
(4) A Quadratic Example
(5) Inequalities Involving Rational Functions
(6) An Example Involving Rational Functions
(7) An Example With More Than Two Important Points
(8) An Interesting Inequality

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. This video quiz involves some computation, so have paper and pencil handy. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, I will review your answers then release them to you, just to make sure no correct answers are marked as incorrect.You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions. Use limits to compute the derivatives in this assignment! I could ask you to do that on our upcoming exam.

Optional material

* There is an optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Today's VQ for class

2/23: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework assignments are due 2/28.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 1.7 in LHSD.


* Do the MyMathLab over today's material. Use limits to compute the derivatives in this assignment! I could ask you to do that on our upcoming exam.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 2/25.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!
(1) Absolute Value and Distance
(2) The First Example
(3) Two More Examples
(4) Making Things Harder (Maybe)
(5) One Last Example

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, the answers should appear on the screen. You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

Optional material

* There is NO optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material. All of their videos use algebraic methods.

Today's VQ for class

2/25: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework Assignments are due 3/2.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 1.8 in LHSD.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment for today.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 2/28.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!
(1) The Plane
(2) Distance Examples
(3) Midpoints
(4) Circles
(5) Semicircles

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. You should receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

Optional material

* There is an optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Today's VQ for Class

Week 5

2/28: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework Assignments are due 3/4.

Reading Assignment

* Skim Sections 2.1 and 2.2 in LHSD.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 3/2.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

Along with these videos, please read this handout on functions.

(1) Definition of a Function
(2) Dissecting Function Notation
(3) Evaluating a Function
(4) Finding Function Values From a Graph

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, I will review your answers then release them to you, just to make sure no correct answers are marked as incorrect.You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions. Use limits to compute the derivatives in this assignment! I could ask you to do that on our upcoming exam.

Optional material

* There is an optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Today's VQ for Class

3/2: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework assignments are due 3/9.

Reading Assignment

* Read this handout on functions.
* Read Section 2.3 in LHSD.


* Do the MyMathLab over today's material.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.
* Start preparing for the exam on Monday!

Required Videos to View Before Class on 3/4.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!
(1) Linear Functions
(2) Equations of Lines
(3) Information From Lines
(4) Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this video quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. You should receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

Optional material

* There is an optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Today's VQ for Class

3/4: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework Assignments are due 3/11.

Reading Assignment

* Read Sections 2.4 and 2.5 in LHSD.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment for today.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 3/9.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!
(1) Graphs of Baslc/Toolbox Functions
(2) Piecewise Defined Functions
(3) Piecewise Function Example

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this video quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. You should receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* Fill out this exam reflection AFTER THE EXAM, but before class on Wednesday.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

Optional material

* There is NO optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Today's VQ for Class

Week 6

3/7: In-Person Instruction Today! -

EXAM 1 TODAY. Everyone who is not registered as fully remote through the Registrar's Office or is quarantined because of the COVID are expected to be in class to take the exam. If you plan to take the exam remotely and do not not meet one of the two requirements above, you need my permission to take the exam remotely.

The exam will cover the material we discussed in class from 2/2-3/2; that is, all of Chapter R, all of Chapter 1, and sections 2.1-2.3.

* Fill out this exam reflection before class on Wednesday.

3/9: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework assignments are due 3/21.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 2.6 in LHSD.


* Do the MyMathLab over today's material.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 3/11.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!
(1) Introduction to Graph Transformations
(2) Vertical Shifts
(3) Horizontal Shifts
(4) Stretches
(5) Flips
(6) Examples, Part I
(7) Examples, Part II
(8) Functions From Graphs
(9) MyMathLab's Graphing Tool

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. You should receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

Optional material

* There is an optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Today's VQ For Class

3/11: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework Assignments are due 3/23.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 2.7 in LHSD.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment for today.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 3/21.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!
(1) Defining New Functions
(2) Using the Definitions
(3) Difference Quotients
(4) Difference Quotient Example
(5) An Example Using a Table of Values
(6) Taking a Composite Function Apart
(7) Products and Function Composition

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. You should receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

Optional material

* There is an optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Today's VQ for Class

March 14-18: Spring Break!

Week 7

3/21: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework Assignments are due 3/25.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 2.8 in LHSD.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 3/23.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

(1) Quadratics Part I
(2) Factoring Large Polynomials
(3) More on Quadratics
(4) Multiplicity
(5) From Zeros to Polynomials

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, I will review your answers then release them to you, just to make sure no correct answers are marked as incorrect.You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions. Use limits to compute the derivatives in this assignment! I could ask you to do that on our upcoming exam.

Optional material

* There is an optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Today's VQ for Class

3/23: In Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework Assignments are due 3/28.

Reading Assignment

* Skim Sections 3.1 and 3.3 in LHSD.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 3/25.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

(1) The Importance of Multiplicity
(2) A Rational Inequality
(3) A Quadratic Inequality
(4) The Importance of Zero

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, I will review your answers then release them to you, just to make sure no correct answers are marked as incorrect.You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions. Use limits to compute the derivatives in this assignment! I could ask you to do that on our upcoming exam.

Optional material

* There is NO optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Today's VQ for Class

3/25: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework Assignments are due 3/30.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 3.6 in LHSD.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 3/28.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

(1) Basic Shapes
(2) Graphing a Polynomial
(3) Changing Multiplicities
(4) Two Examples
(5) An Absurd Examples

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, I will review your answers then release them to you, just to make sure no correct answers are marked as incorrect.You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions. Use limits to compute the derivatives in this assignment! I could ask you to do that on our upcoming exam.

Optional material

* There is an optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Today's VQ For Class

Week 8

3/28:In Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

QUIZ TODAY over the material we discussed in class from 3/9 - 3/23, so Sections 2.4-2.8, 3.1, and 3.3.

After the quiz we will discuss Section 3.4.

The Reading and Homework Assignments are due 4/1.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 3.4 in LHSD.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 3/30.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

(1) Graphing Rational Functions
(2) Zeros in the Denominator
(3) Large Scale Shape
(4) A Challenging Example
(5) Two Examples
(6) Two More Examples
(7) Returning to the Challenging Example
(8) A Bonus Example!

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, I will review your answers then release them to you, just to make sure no correct answers are marked as incorrect.You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions. Use limits to compute the derivatives in this assignment! I could ask you to do that on our upcoming exam.

Optional material

* There is an optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Today's VQ For Class

3/30: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework Assignments are due 4/4.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 3.5 in LHSD.


* Do the MyMathLab over today's material.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 4/1.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!
(1) Properties of Exponentials
(2) Exponential Functions
(3) Graphs of Exponential Functions
(4) More Graphing Examples
(5) Solving Equations Involving Exponentials
(6) Bonus Example - Factoring Exponentials

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. You should receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

Optional material

* There is an optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Today's VQ for Class

4/1: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework Assignments are due 4/6.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 4.2 in LHSD.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 4/4.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

(1) The Logarithm Functions
(2) Graph Transformations
(3) Properties of Logarithms
(4) Solving Equations Involving Logarithms

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, I will review your answers then release them to you, just to make sure no correct answers are marked as incorrect.You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions. Use limits to compute the derivatives in this assignment! I could ask you to do that on our upcoming exam.

Optional material

* There is an optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Today's VQ for class


Week 9

4/4: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

We have an exam next Monday! Start preparing now!

The Reading and Homework Assignments are due 4/8.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 4.3 in LHSD.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 4/6.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

(0) An Introduction to This Review
(1) Difference Quotients
(2) Difference Quotient Example
(3) Products and Function Composition
(4) What We Can't Do

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, I will review your answers then release them to you, just to make sure no correct answers are marked as incorrect.You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions. Use limits to compute the derivatives in this assignment! I could ask you to do that on our upcoming exam.

Optional material

* There is NO optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Today's VQ for Class

4/6: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework assignments are due 4/11. (Yes, before the exam! This is an exam-study assignment, so turning it in after the exam makes very little sense.)

Reading Assignment

* Re-read Section 2.8 in LHSD.


* Do the MyMathLab over today's material.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 4/8.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

(1) The Origin of \(e\)
(2) Graphs and One Very Important Identity
(3) Equations Involving Exponentials
(4) Equations Involving Logarithms
(5) One Last Example

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. You should receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

Optional material

* There is an optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Today's VQ for Class

4/8: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework Assignments are due 4/20.

Reading Assignment

* Read Sections 4.4-4.5 in LHSD.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 4/13.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

(1) Angle Measurement Systems
(2) Converting Between Measurement Systems
(3) Arc Length
(4) Area of a Sector of a Circle

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, I will review your answers then release them to you, just to make sure no correct answers are marked as incorrect.You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions. Use limits to compute the derivatives in this assignment! I could ask you to do that on our upcoming exam.

Optional material

* There is an optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Today's VQ for Class

Week 10

4/11: EXAM 2 TODAY!

Everyone is expected to be in class to take the exam.

The exam will cover the material we discussed in class from 3/2-4/6; that is, Sections 2.3-4.3.

4/13: In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework Assignments are due 4/22.

Reading Assignment

* Read Sections 5.1 and 6.1 in LHSD.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 4/20.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

(1) Defining the Trigonometric Functions
(2) Values of the Trigonometric Functions
(3) Special Values
(4) Pythagorean Identities
(5) Triangle Examples
(6) Trigonometric Equations

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, I will review your answers then release them to you, just to make sure no correct answers are marked as incorrect.You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions. Use limits to compute the derivatives in this assignment! I could ask you to do that on our upcoming exam.

Optional material

* There is an optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Today's VQ for Class

4/15: Easter Break - No Class Today!

Week 11

4/18: Easter Break - No Class Today!

4/20: In-Person Learning Today! - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework assignments are due 4/25.

Reading Assignment

* Read Sections 5.2, 5.3, and 6.2 in LHSD, or at least skim them.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 4/22.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

(1) More Examples Given a Point
(2) More Examples Given the Value of One Trig Function

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, I will review your answers then release them to you, just to make sure no correct answers are marked as incorrect.You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions. Use limits to compute the derivatives in this assignment! I could ask you to do that on our upcoming exam.

Optional material

* There is NO optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Today's VQ for Class

4/22: In-Person Learning Today! - Note that we have a quiz on Monday - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework Assignments are due 4/27.

Reading Assignment

* Re-read Sections 5.2, 5.3, and 6.2 in LHSD, or at least skim them. Yes, this material is so important that we are spending another day on it!


* Do the MyMathLab over today's material.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 4/25.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

(1) Solving (GRR) a Triangle
(2) Solving (GRR) a Triangle Given the Length of One Leg
(3) A Leaning Ladder
(4) I'm Standing Near a Lamppost (If I was leaning on a lamppost)
(5) Measuring the Height of a Tree

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. You should receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

Optional material

* There is an optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material, sort of. All of the links in the instructors page pointed to the same 36 minute video. Skip any problems that involve measuring angles in minutes and seconds - concentrate on those that measure angles in decimal format.

Today's VQ for Class

Week 12

4/25: QUIZ TODAY! In-Person Instruction Today! - FINALIZED

Today's quiz will cover the material we discussed on 4/8 (base e logarithms and exponentials), 4/13 (angles), 4/20 (the trigonometric functions) and 4/22 (more on the trigonometric functions).

We will have class after the quiz.

The Reading and Homework Assignments are due 4/29.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 5.4 in LHSD.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 4/27.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

(1) The Graphs of the Sine and Cosine Functions
(2) Vertical Stretches and Flips
(3) Inside Stretches
(4) Inside Flips
(5) Both Kinds of Stretches
(6) Functions From the Graphs

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, I will review your answers then release them to you, just to make sure no correct answers are marked as incorrect.You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions. Use limits to compute the derivatives in this assignment! I could ask you to do that on our upcoming exam.

Optional material

* There is an optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Today's VQ for Class

4/27: In Person Instruction - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework assignments are due 5/2.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 6.3 in LHSD.


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 4/29.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

(1) Translations - Order Matters!
(2) First Example
(3) Extending the Example
(4) Second Example
(5) Functions From Graphs

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, I will review your answers then release them to you, just to make sure no correct answers are marked as incorrect.You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions. Use limits to compute the derivatives in this assignment! I could ask you to do that on our upcoming exam.

Optional material

* There is an optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Today's VQ for Class

4/29: In Person Instruction - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework Assignments are due 5/4.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 7.1 in LHSD.


* Do the MyMathLab over today's material. You may use everything we have learned in the course to do the problems in this assignment; you do not need to use limits of sums, and in fact I strongly discourage you from using limits of sums.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 5/2.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

(1) Fundamental Identities
(2) A Second Example
(3) Variable Side Lengths
(4) One Last Example

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. You should receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

Optional material

* There is an optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Today's VQ for Class


Week 13

5/2: In-Person Instruction Today. - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework assignments are due 5/6.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 7.1 in LHSD.


* Do the MyMathLab over today's material. You may use everything we have learned in the course to do the problems in this assignment; you do not need to use limits of sums, and in fact I strongly discourage you from using limits of sums.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 5/4.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

(1) Introducing Some New Trigonometric Identities
(2) First Example
(3) First Example Part II
(4) Another Example
(5) An Example Involving Double Angle Formulas

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. You should receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

Optional material

* There is an optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Today's VQ for Class

5/4: In-Person Instruction - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework assignments are due 5/9.

Reading Assignment

* Read Sections 7.3 and 7.4 in LHSD.


* Do the MyMathLab over today's material. You may use everything we have learned in the course to do the problems in this assignment; you do not need to use limits of sums, and in fact I strongly discourage you from using limits of sums.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 5/6.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

(1) The Arcsine Function, written \(\arcsin x\)
(2) The Arctangent Function, written \(\arctan x\)
(3) Finding Exact Values
(4) Function Composition Examples
(5) Examples With Variables

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. You should receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

Optional material

* There is an optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Today's VQ for Class

5/6: In-Person Instruction - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework assignments are due 5/11.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 7.5 in LHSD.


* Do the MyMathLab over today's material. You may use everything we have learned in the course to do the problems in this assignment; you do not need to use limits of sums, and in fact I strongly discourage you from using limits of sums.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 5/9.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

(1) The Law of Sines
(2) Using the Law of Sines
(3) A Straightforward Example
(4) The Law of Cosines
(5) Using the Law of Cosines
(6) Using Heron's Formula

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. You should receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

Optional material

* There is an optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Today's VQ for Class

Week 14

5/9: In-Person Instruction - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework assignments are due 5/13.

Reading Assignment

* Read Sections 8.1 and 8.2 in LHSD.


* Do the MyMathLab over today's material. You may use everything we have learned in the course to do the problems in this assignment; you do not need to use limits of sums, and in fact I strongly discourage you from using limits of sums.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 5/11.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

(0) An Introduction to This Review
(1) Difference Quotients
(2) Difference Quotient Example
(3) Products and Function Composition
(4) What We Can't Do

Here is one way to study for the final

* There is no video quiz over these videos. You've seen them before.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

Optional material

* There is no optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

* Want to stay in touch with Mathematics at Carthage? Join our facebook group!

5/11: In-Person Instruction - FINALIZED

The Reading and Homework assignments are due 5/18. Yes, that is the day of our final exam.

Reading Assignment

* Read Section 2.8 in LHSD one more time!


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

5/13: In-Person Instruction - Exam Review

Week 15




Our third exam is today from 10:30-12:30, in-person of course.

The exam will focus on the material we discussed in class from 4/8-5/11; that is, Sections 4.4-4.5, and the material we covered from Chapters 6, 7, and 8. However, the exam is cumulative in the sense that material you learned earlier will be necessary to do well on this exam.

You may not use your phone, notes, or any other resource during this exam, not in the classroom, and not outside of the classroom during the exam. Evidence that you have accessed inappropriate resources during the exam will result in a score of 0 on the exam.


Reading Assignment

* Read


* Do the MyMathLab assignment over today's material. You watched the videos to prepare for today's class.
* Check the blog every day for new entries.

Required Videos to View Before Class on 5/20.

* With the handout available either printed or online, watch these videos and take notes in the handout. If you have access to a printer, print a copy of the handout to use while watching the videos. If you do not have access to a printer, copy the handouts onto a piece of paper to use while watching the videos. Any questions on the videos? Ask them in the blog!

* While you are watching the videos or immediately after watching the videos, take this video quiz. You should take this quiz before our next class! This will count as a quiz. After you take the quiz, the answers should appear on the screen. You should also receive an email confirmation so you can check your answers.

* The MyMathLab assignment over these videos is officially assigned after our next class, but you should start it now so you can ask questions.

* There is an optional video assignment in MyMathLab over this material.

Optional material from the Khan Academy

* The